Monday, October 22, 2012

Coffee Break---Not!

I am currently on a semestral break from school.School's out for a couple of weeks! Yehey! So much time,so little to do! In this connection, I thought of taking a break from coffee. Lately, I realized that I have been drinking more cups of coffee compared to my usual two cups a day. Usually, I only drink coffee right after I wake up and after I eat my supper. Since this path I'm taking is requiring so much of my time, I have to do something to keep me awake for more than twenty hours. This more than twenty hours of waking day also include hours of tweeting and pinning and lurking and stalking and procrastinating and watching tv. So from two cups of coffee I was up to four cups. I drink once I wake up, after I eat my brunch,once I arrive in school and after supper. Sometimes it goes up to six cups whenever I feel the need. This, I think, is the main reason why I sometimes catch myself zoning out from the class discussion and sometimes I wake up feeling restless because I thought I was somewhere else.Coffee triggers sleep disorder! So there,I planned on not having coffee and drink milk instead for the whole semestral break.The plan took off on Saturday and ended the next day! HAHAHA What a failed attempt! And this is what prompted me to abort the plan:I dozed off while I was attending the Sunday's mass.I don't want the same thing to happen again while I'm in public places. Someone might catch me doing that,take a picture and upload it somewhere. That will be so embarrassing! HAHAHAHA I couldn't live without coffee in my system! Yes I can live a day without it but not longer than that! Milk is now stricken off my grocery list. I'll try again next time. :)
Happy Sembreak, everyone!!!

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