Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Of High Hopes and Faded Dreams

Although it doesn't fit me,I still bought this floral dress in the hope that someday I'd be able to make a dress or a top out of it. I love the design so much,well I love anything floral,but this one is something different. I got this dress from a thrift store but it was a new dress,it even had a price tag when I bought it. I detached the top from the bottom using a makeshift seam ripper. After that, I took the sleeves off the top by still using the makeshift seam ripper. I folded the bottom part of the dress as that part should not be used unless it's for a DIY of something grand. When we arrived in this apartment,we only had one big and wide curtain. There's a window beside the door and the sun's 3PM rays pierce through the window pane which is not good for our TV set. I can't think of any thing to cover the window pane but the floral fabric which I set aside for future use. I made a mental note to buy a new fabric to use as a makeshift curtain and replace the floral fabric. But lo and behold, almost two years in this apartment and it is still being used as a curtain. The fabric is no longer as 'lively' as the first time I saw it,rather it is now a little faded.Time to just let it be. :)

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