Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Find X

Hours ago I received a message from my landlady which I thought I'd share with you. Although the message was anything but funny it still made me laugh.
The message goes like this:

Gud pm Belinda.Nakasway nakag tutor?Nterested ka mo tutor ug 3rd yr Geometry n 4th yr Algebra?

The message had me laughing for seconds.HAHAHA. Honestly,for the first time after such a long time someone actually asked me about Math---Geometry and Algebra at that. What made it even more uncommon is that not a friend or someone younger than me was asking for my assistance or whatever you call it but a mother, a mother who only want whats good for her children. Not that the offer of the mother was a laughing matter to me but seriously if you have known me since forever you would know that I'm not the person to ask to when it comes to Math. Math is my weakness and if you ask me where to find x I can only give you my sheepish smile or a blank face,whichever comes first.hehe.

Seriously, hours ago I could have gotten myself a new source of income.I could have been more proud of myself that I got me a 'job' because I'm so good at Math. But I am not. Sayang.

This made my day and I'd like to thank my landlady for her message boosted my morale just when I needed it the most. :)

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